Category:French recipes

In this category you will find recipes which have their roots in France. French cuisine varies according to the season. In summer, salads and fruit dishes are popular because they are refreshing and produce is inexpensive and abundant. Greengrocers prefer to sell their fruit and vegetables at lower prices if needed, rather than see them rot in the heat. At the end of summer, mushrooms become plentiful and appear in stews throughout France. The hunting season begins in September and runs through to February. Game of all kinds is eaten, often in elaborate dishes that celebrate the success of the hunt. Shellfish are at their peak when winter turns to spring, and oysters appear in restaurants in large quantities. With the advent of the deep-freeze and air-conditioned hypermarché, these seasonal variations are less marked than hitherto, but they are still observed, in some cases due to legal restrictions. Crayfish, for example, have a short season and it is illegal to catch them out of season. Moreover, they do not freeze well.

AOP ingredients
AOP stands for ‘Appellation d'Origine Protégée’ which in the UK we know as 'Protected Designation of Origin' (PDO). Under the EU agricultural product quality policy, this "covers agricultural products and foodstuffs which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area using recognised know-how". The following French ingredients are those which are registered as AOP.
Country | Name | Product | Type |
France | Abondance | Cheese | PDO |
France | Abricots rouges du Roussillon | Apricots | PDO |
France | Ail violet de Cadours | Garlic | PDO |
France | Banon | Cheese | PDO |
France | Barèges-Gavarnie | Mutton | PDO |
France | Béa du Roussillon | Potato | PDO |
France | Beaufort | Cheese | PDO |
France | Beurre Charentes-Poitou ; Beurre des Charentes ; Beurre des Deux-Sèvres | Butter | PDO |
France | Beurre de Bresse | Butter | PDO |
France | Beurre d'Isigny | Butter | PDO |
France | Bleu d'Auvergne | Cheese | PDO |
France | Bleu de Gex Haut-Jura ; Bleu de Septmoncel | Cheese | PDO |
France | Bleu des Causses | Cheese | PDO |
France | Bleu du Vercors-Sassenage | Cheese | PDO |
France | Bœuf de Charolles | Beef | PDO |
France | Brie de Meaux | Cheese | PDO |
France | Brie de Melun | Cheese | PDO |
France | Brocciu Corse ; Brocciu | Cheese | PDO |
France | Camembert de Normandie | Cheese | PDO |
France | Cantal ; Fourme de Cantal ; Cantalet | Cheese | PDO |
France | Chabichou du Poitou | Cheese | PDO |
France | Chaource | Cheese | PDO |
France | Charolais | Cheese | PDO |
France | Chasselas de Moissac | Grape | PDO |
France | Châtaigne d’Ardèche | Chestnuts | PDO |
France | Chevrotin | Cheese | PDO |
France | Coco de Paimpol | Bean | PDO |
France | Comté | Cheese | PDO |
France | Coppa de Corse / Coppa de Corse - Coppa di Corsica | Sausage | PDO |
France | Crème de Bresse | Cream | PDO |
France | Crème d'Isigny | Cream | PDO |
France | Crottin de Chavignol ; Chavignol | Cheese | PDO |
France | Dinde de Bresse | Turkey | PDO |
France | Époisses | Cheese | PDO |
France | Farine de châtaigne corse/Farina castagnina corsa | Chestnut flour | PDO |
France | Figue de Solliès | Fig | PDO |
France | Fin Gras/ Fin Gras du Mézenc | Beef | PDO |
France | Fourme d'Ambert | Cheese | PDO |
France | Fourme de Montbrison | Cheese | PDO |
France | Huile d'olive d'Aix-en-Provence | Olive oil | PDO |
France | Huile d'olive de Corse | Olive oil | PDO |
France | Huile d'olive de Haute-Provence | Olive oil | PDO |
France | Huile d'olive de la Vallée des Baux-de-Provence | Olive oil | PDO |
France | Huile d'olive de Nice | Olive oil | PDO |
France | Huile d'olive de Nîmes | Olive oil | PDO |
France | Huile d'olive de Nyons | Olive oil | PDO |
France | Jambon noir de Bigorre | Ham | PDO |
France | Kintoa pork | Pork | PDO |
France | Jambon sec de Corse / Jambon sec de Corse - Prisuttu | Ham | PDO |
France | Laguiole | Cheese | PDO |
France | Langres | Cheese | PDO |
France | Lentille vert du Puy | Lentil | PDO |
France | Livarot | Cheese | PDO |
France | Lonzo de Corse / Lonzo de Corse - Lonzu | Ham | PDO |
France | Luques de Languedoc | Olive | PDO |
France | Mâconnais | Cheese | PDO |
France | Maine - Anjou | Beef | PDO |
France | Maroilles ; Marolles | Cheese | PDO |
France | Miel de Corse ; Mele di Corsica | Honey | PDO |
France | Miel de sapin des Vosges | Honey | PDO |
France | Mont d'Or ; Vacherin du Haut-Doubs | Cheese | PDO |
France | Morbier | Cheese | PDO |
France | Moules de Bouchot de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel | Mussels | PDO |
France | Munster ; Munster-Géromé | Cheese | PDO |
France | Muscat du Ventoux | Grape | PDO |
France | Neufchâtel | Cheese | PDO |
France | Noix de Grenoble | Nut | PDO |
France | Noix du Périgord | Walnut | PDO |
France | Oignon de Roscoff | Onion | PDO |
France | Oignon doux des Cévennes | Onion | PDO |
France | Olive de Nice | Olive | PDO |
France | Olive de Nîmes | Olive | PDO |
France | Olives cassées de la Vallée des Baux de Provence | Olive | PDO |
France | Olives noires de la Vallée des Baux de Provence | Olive | PDO |
France | Olives noires de Nyons | Olive | PDO |
France | Ossau-Iraty | Cheese | PDO |
France | Pélardon | Cheese | PDO |
France | Picodon de l'Ardeche ; Picodon de la Drôme | Cheese | PDO |
France | Piment d'Espelette ; Piment d'Espelette - Ezpeletako Biper | Pepper | PDO |
France | Pomme de terre de l'Île de Ré | Potato | PDO |
France | Pomme du Limousin | Apple | PDO |
France | Pont-l'Évêque | Cheese | PDO |
France | Porc noir de Bigorre | Pork | PDO |
France | Pouligny-Saint-Pierre | Cheese | PDO |
France | Prés-salés de la baie de Somme | Lamb | PDO |
France | Prés-salés du Mont-Saint-Michel | Lamb | PDO |
France | Reblochon ; Reblochon de Savoie | Cheese | PDO |
France | Rigotte de Condrieu | Cheese | PDO |
France | Rocamadour | Cheese | PDO |
France | Roquefort | Cheese | PDO |
France | Sainte-Maure de Touraine | Cheese | PDO |
France | Saint-Nectaire | Cheese | PDO |
France | Salers | Cheese | PDO |
France | Selles-sur-Cher | Cheese | PDO |
France | Taureau de Camargue | Beef | PDO |
France | Tome des Bauges | Cheese | PDO |
France | Valençay | Cheese | PDO |
France | Volaille de Bresse/Poulet de Bresse/Poularde de Bresse | Chicken | PDO |

IGP ingredients
IGP stands for ‘Indication Géographique Protégée’ which in the UK we know as 'Protected Geographical Indication' (PGI). Under the EU agricultural product quality policy, this "covers agricultural products and foodstuffs closely linked to the geographical area. At least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation takes place in the area." The following French ingredients are those which are registered as IGP.
Country | Name | Product | Type |
Andorra | Carn d'Andorra | Beef | PGI |
France | Agneau de lait des Pyrénées | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau de l'Aveyron | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau de Lozère | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau de Pauillac | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau de Sisteron | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau du Bourbonnais | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau du Limousin | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau du Périgord | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau du Poitou-Charentes | Lamb | PGI |
France | Agneau du Quercy | Lamb | PGI |
France | Ail blanc de Lomagne | Garlic | PGI |
France | Ail de la Drôme | Garlic | PGI |
France | Ail fumé d'Arleux | Garlic | PGI |
France | Ail rose de Lautrec | Garlic | PGI |
France | Anchois de Collioure | Anchovy | PGI |
France | Artichaut du Roussillon | Artichoke | PGI |
France | Asperge des sables des Landes | Asparagus | PGI |
France | Asperges du Blayais | Asparagus | PGI |
France | Bergamote(s) de Nancy | Confectionery | PGI |
France | Bœuf charolais du Bourbonnais | Beef | PGI |
France | Bœuf de Bazas | Beef | PGI |
France | Bœuf de Chalosse | Beef | PGI |
France | Boeuf de Vendée | Beef | PGI |
France | Bœuf du Maine | Beef | PGI |
France | Boudin blanc de Rethel | Sauage | PGI |
France | Brioche vendéenne | Bread | PGI |
France | Brillat-Savarin | Cheese | PGI |
France | Canard à foie gras du Sud-Ouest (Chalosse, ascogne, Gers, Landes, Périgord, Quercy) | Duck | PGI |
France | Chapon du Périgord | Chicken | PGI |
France | Charolais de Bourgogne | Beef | PGI |
France | Choucroute d'Alsace | Sauerkraut | PGI |
France | Citron de Menton | Lemon | PGI |
France | Clémentine de Corse | Clementine | PGI |
France | Coquille Saint-Jacques des Côtes d'Armor | Scallops | PGI |
France | Crème fraîche fluide d'Alsace | Cream | PGI |
France | Echalote d’Anjou | Shallot | PGI |
France | Emmental de Savoie | Cheese | PGI |
France | Emmental français est-central | Cheese | PGI |
France | Farine de blé noir de Bretagne | Flour | PGI |
France | Farine de Petit Épeautre de Haute Provence | Flour | PGI |
France | Fraise du Périgord | Strawberry | PGI |
France | Fraises de Nîmes | Strawberry | PGI |
France | Gâche vendéenne | Bread | PGI |
France | Génisse Fleur d'Aubrac | Beef | PGI |
France | Gruyère | Cheese | PGI |
France | Haricot tarbais | Bean | PGI |
France | Huîtres Marennes Oléron | Oyster | PGI |
France | Jambon d'Auvergne | Ham | PGI |
France | Jambon de Bayonne | Ham | PGI |
France | Jambon de Lacaune | Ham | PGI |
France | Jambon de l'Ardèche | Ham | PGI |
France | Jambon de Vendée | Ham | PGI |
France | Jambon sec des Ardennes / Noix de Jambon sec des Ardennes | Ham | PGI |
France | Kiwi de l'Adour | Kiwi | PGI |
France | Lentilles vertes du Berry | Lentil | PGI |
France | Lingot du Nord | Bean | PGI |
France | Mâche nantaise | Lamb’s lettuce | PGI |
France | Melon de Guadeloupe | Melon | PGI |
France | Melon du Haut-Poitou | Melon | PGI |
France | Melon du Quercy | Melon | PGI |
France | Miel d'Alsace | Honey | PGI |
France | Miel de Provence | Honey | PGI |
France | Miel des Cévennes | Honey | PGI |
France | Mirabelles de Lorraine | Plum | PGI |
France | Mogette de Vendée | Bean | PGI |
France | Moutarde de Bourgogne | Mustard | PGI |
France | Noisette de Cervione — Nuciola di Cervioni | Hazelnut | PGI |
France | Oeufs de Loué | Egg | PGI |
France | Oie d'Anjou | Goose | PGI |
France | Pâté de Campagne Breton | Pâté | PGI |
France | Pâtes d'Alsace | Pâté | PGI |
France | Petit Épeautre de Haute Provence | Flour | PGI |
France | Pintade de l'Ardèche | Guinea flowl | PGI |
France | Pintadeau de la Drôme | Guinea fowl | PGI |
France | Poireaux de Créances | Leek | PGI |
France | Pomelo de Corse | Grapefruit | PGI |
France | Pommes de terre de Merville | Potato | PGI |
France | Pommes des Alpes de Haute Durance | Apple | PGI |
France | Pommes et poires de Savoie | Apple, pear | PGI |
France | Porc d'Auvergne | Pork | PGI |
France | Porc de Franche-Comté | Pork | PGI |
France | Porc de la Sarthe | Pork | PGI |
France | Porc de Normandie | Pork | PGI |
France | Porc de Vendée | Pork | PGI |
France | Porc du Limousin | Pork | PGI |
France | Porc du Sud-Ouest | Pork | PGI |
France | Poularde du Périgord | Chicken | PGI |
France | Poulet de l'Ardèche/Chapon de l'Ardèche | Chicken | PGI |
France | Poulet des Cévennes / Chapon des Cévennes | Chicken | PGI |
France | Poulet du Périgord | Chicken | PGI |
France | Pruneaux d'Agen ; Pruneaux d'Agen mi-cuits | Prune | PGI |
France | Raclette de Savoie | Cheese | PGI |
France | Raviole du Dauphiné | Pasta | PGI |
France | Rillettes de Tours | Pâté | PGI |
France | Riz de Camargue | Rice | PGI |
France | Rosée des Pyrénées Catalanes | Veal | PGI |
France | Saint-Marcellin | Cheese | PGI |
France | Saucisse de Montbéliard | Sausage | PGI |
France | Saucisse de Morteau / Jésus de Morteau | Sausage | PGI |
France | Saucisson de Lacaune / Saucisse de Lacaune | Sausage | PGI |
France | Saucisson de l'Ardèche | Sausage | PGI |
France | Saucisson sec d’Auvergne / Saucisse sèche d’Auvergne | Sausage | PGI |
France | Sel de Guérande / Fleur de sel de Guérande | Salt | PGI |
France | Sel de Salies-de-Béarn | Salt | PGI |
France | Soumaintrain | Cheese | PGI |
France|[Thym de Provence | Herb | PGI | |
France | Tomme de Savoie | Cheese | PGI |
France | Tomme des Pyrénées | Cheese | PGI |
France | Veau d'Aveyron et du Ségala | Veal | PGI |
France | Veau du Limousin | Veal | PGI |
France | Volailles d'Alsace | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles d'Ancenis | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles d'Auvergne | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Bourgogne | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Bretagne | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Challans | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Cholet | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Gascogne | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Houdan | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Janzé | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de la Champagne | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de la Drôme | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de l'Ain | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Licques | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de l'Orléanais | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Loué | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Normandie | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles de Vendée | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles des Landes | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Béarn | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Berry | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Charolais | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Forez | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Gatinais | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Gers | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Languedoc | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Lauragais | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Maine | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du plateau de Langres | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Val de Sèvres | Poultry | PGI |
France | Volailles du Velay | Poultry | PGI |

STG ingredients
STG stands for ‘Spécialité Traditionnelle Garantie’ which in the UK is known as 'Traditional Speciality Guaranteed’ (TSG). It "highlights traditional character, either in the composition or means of production". The following French products are those registered as STG.
Country | Name | Product | Type |
France | Moules de Bouchot | Mussel | TSG |
AOC ingredients
AOC stands for ‘Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée’ which translates as ‘controlled name of origin’. The Institut National des Appellations d'Origine (INAO), a branch of the French Ministry of Agriculture guarantees that all AOC products will hold to a rigorous set of clearly defined standards. The organisation stresses that AOC products will be produced in a consistent and traditional manner with ingredients from specifically classified producers in designated geographical areas. In the case of wine and cheese they must be matured at least partially in the respective designated area. The following French ingredients are those which are registered as AOC.
French Ingredients in the UK
We also have a list of suppliers of French ingredients
French cheeses
We have a huge section covering French cheeses, categorised by region.
Pages in category ‘French recipes’
The following 159 pages are in this category, out of 159 total.
- Bacon wrapped garlic, camembert, sous vide chicken
- Baguette
- Baked Camembert
- Baked Camembert with garlic, calvados and salami
- Baked squash filled with melted Camembert cheese
- Basic bouquet garni
- Basil and lemon chicken salad with air fried garlic croutons
- Basque-style Puy lentils
- Bean and roasted red pepper flan
- Bearnaise sauce (TM)
- Bearnaise sauce recipe
- Beef bourguignon (slow cooker recipe)
- Beef bourguignon recipe
- Beef bourguignon recipe (PC)
- Beurre manié recipe
- Beurre noisette (TM)
- Biarritz omelette
- Biarritz potatoes
- Biarritz potatoes (V)
- Blue cheese popcorn
- Boeuf bourguignon
- Bouillabaisse recipe
- Boulangère potatoes
- Boule loaf
- Bouquet garni
- Breakfast waffles
- Breton buckwheat pancakes
- Brie fondue encounter
- Brioche
- Brioche (TM)
- Béchamel sauce (TM)
- Home-made Camembert cheese
- Cauliflower soup with Green Tapenade
- Cheddar, Cambazola and treacly bacon puffs
- Cheese and bacon puffs
- Cheese and bacon quiche
- Cheese and potato croquettes
- Cheese, peas and garlic stuffed peppers
- Cheesy cod bites in puff pastry parcels
- Chicken Provençal
- Fricassée de poulet au vinaigre doux (Fricassée of chicken with sweet vinegar)
- Pot Roasted Mediterranean Chicken
- Poule au pot (for 2)
- Poule au pot (for 4)
- Chicken and shallots in cream sherry and sherry vinegar
- Chicken Marengo
- Poulet rôti (Roast chicken)
- Civet de lièvre (hare or rabbit casserole)
- Cooking globe artichokes in a pressure cooker
- Coq au vin
- Courgette croquettes with Džiugas cheese
- Court bouillon
- Croutons recipe
- Crunchy garlic salad
- Crêpe recipe
- Cumberland sausages with Puy lentils
- Céléri-rave rémoulade
- Pain de Campagne (2)
- Pain de Campagne (Country Bread)
- Pain de Campagne (TM)
- Pasta thermidor
- Pasta with broccoli, blue cheese and cream
- Pea and garlic stuffed peppers
- Persillade
- Philadelphia dauphinoise potatoes
- Pissaladière
- Soupe au pistou
- Pistou sauce
- Pollo con 40 dientes de ajo
- Poolish
- Pork steaks in calvados
- Potage madrilène
- Pommes persillade
- Prawn thermidor
- Provençal tapenade (TM)
- Salade Landaise
- Salade Niçoise
- Salade Niçoise (V)
- Salade Roquebrune
- Sauce beurre blanc
- Sauce espagnole
- Sauce normande
- Sauce velouté
- Sauce vierge
- Sausage and Potato Gratin (GF)
- Sausage Boulangere (GF)
- Sausage Stuffed Aubergines (GF)
- Small baguettes
- Homemade pea soup
- Soupe Auvergnate
- Sous vide cod with prawns in soupe de poissons
- Sous vide prosciutto wrapped chicken stuffed with garlicky parsley butter
- Sous vide spatchcock chicken with bulb fennel orange and onion
- Sous-vide garlicy Brie mushrooms
- Spatchcocked chicken with fennel and onions
- Stinger
- Stuffed cabbage leaves