Volailles de Bretagne (Brittany poultry)

IGP Volailles de Bretagne are poultry (black and white chickens, capons, guinea fowl, poulardes and black turkeys) with firm flesh and superior organoleptic characteristics, slaughtered at an age close to sexual maturity. Marketed fresh or frozen in various forms: whole (ovenready or with giblets) or in sections.
Geographical area
Breton poultry is produced in the administrative region of Brittany with its four départements, as well as in the districts adjacent to the départements of Ille-et-Vilaine and Morbihan.
Evidence of origin
All of the links in the network are listed (hatcheries, food producers, breeders, abattoirs). Documentary records are kept for every batch of poultry: declaration by the breeder of birds added to his stock, delivery slips for day old chicks, declaration of departure for the abattoir and receipts for collection of carcasses from the abattoir, declaration of the labels used for the poultry after slaughter and declaration of downgraded poultry. The labels are all numbered. Checks on the consistency of the above information mean that the origin of the product can always be traced.
Pure or crossbred slow-growing stock; reared in the open air; cereal-based feed and minimum age set for slaughter of each type, close to sexual maturity (except capons); carcasses graded at the abattoir.
The link with the geographical origin of the product derives from the following factors:
Historical reputation: Parallel to the development since 1950 of battery poultry production, the production of high-quality poultry was revived by producers in the region, and the first Red Label for Breton poultry was awarded to a white chicken in 1966.
Present reputation: The award of the Red Label testified to the superior quality of the product and served as a means of consolidating its reputation. Local restaurateurs are enriching their menus by the addition of dishes based on Breton poultry. Characteristic feature: Breton poultry are raised in an oceanic climate especially suited to open-air rearing.
IGP Volailles de Bretagne can be conserved for maximum 10 days after slaughtering for the selected slices which are presented free from feathers and protected by means of a food film and maximum 14 days after slaughtering for the selected slices, which are vacuum packed or with protected atmosphere and stored in the refrigerator. The IGP Volailles de Bretagne are ideal to cook tasty and refined second courses, roasted or sauté, seasoned with aromatic herbs and roasted vegetable trimmings. They are perfect combined with potatoes. Above all capons, pullets and Christmas turkeys are required for Christmas and New Year feasts. The dishes cooked with these fowls are generally elaborated and complex. They require long cooking with the addition of sauces and stuffing. Truffled stuffing is used as well as a stuffing enriched with sour cream, chestnuts and dry fruits.
Reference: The European Commission
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