Volailles de Vendée (Vendée poultry)

IGP Volailles de Vendée is poultry (white, black and yellow chickens, black turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks, capons, ducklings, quails and black poulardes) with firm flesh and superior organoleptic characteristics, slaughtered at an age close to sexual maturity, marketed fresh or frozen, whole (oven-ready or with giblets) or in sections.
Geographical area: The département of Vendée in France and adjacent districts.
Evidence of origin: All of the links in the network are listed (hatcheries, food producers, breeders, abattoirs). Documentary records are kept for every batch of poultry : declaration by the breeder of birds added to his stock, delivery slips for day old chicks, declaration of departure for the abattoir and receipts for collection of carcases from the abattoir, declaration of the labels used for the poultry after slaughter and declaration of downgraded poultry. The labels are all numbered. Checks on the consistency of the above information mean that the origin of the product can always be traced.
Acquisition: There are specifications for each type of production, laying down authorized varieties (slow growing varieties), indoor stocking density, flock sizes, area of open-air runs, feed (cereal-based), minimum slaughtering age and safety standards for slaughtering and marketing. They must be no younger than 42 days for the quails, 77 days for the ducklings, 81 days for the chickens, 84 days for the ducks, 94 days for the guinea fowl, 120 days for the poulardes and 150 days for capons at the time of slaughter.
The birds must have access to outdoor runs starting from week 6 for the chickens, poulardes and capons, 7 for the turkeys, 8 for the guinea fowl and ducks and day 30 for the quails. Their diet should consist of at least 70% cereals and cereal-based products for the guinea fowl and 75% for the remaining birds.
Link: The link with the geographical origin of the product derives from the following factors:
Historical reputation: The tradition of poultry-breeding in the Vendée is attested by numerous documents since the early 19th century. From that time, poultry were reared throughout the year and were sold in some of the prestigious regional markets.
Present reputation: Since being awarded the Red Label, Vendée poultry has been marketed throughout France, and its high reputation has led to its being marketed in other European countries.
The IGP Volailles de Vendée can be conserved in many ways: fresh, in slices and filleted or frozen. At the same time, there are a lot of recipes based on IGP Volailles de Vendée, famous due to the compactness of fowls and their exquisite taste. Tasteful and elaborated dishes are made with breeds of this denomination. Roasted or sauté with aromatic herbs or cooked with precious wines; they are the base of tasty dishes, often accompanied by sauces and creams and trimmings of cooked vegetables or potatoes.
Reference: The European Commission
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