Volailles du Val de Sèvres (Val de Sèvres poultry)

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Volailles du Val de Sèvres

IGP Volailles du Val de Sèvres are poultry carcasses (white, yellow and black chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, capons and poularde) or cut pieces with firm flesh and superior organoleptic qualities, slaughtered at an age close to sexual maturity.

Geographical area : Département of Deux-Sèvres.

Evidence of origin : All of the links in the network are listed (hatcheries, food producers, breeders, abattoirs). Documentary records are kept for every batch of poultry: declaration by the breeder of birds added to his stock, delivery slips for day old chicks, declaration of departure for the abattoir and receipts for collection of carcasses from the abattoir, declaration of the labels used for the poultry after slaughter and declaration of downgraded poultry. The labels are all numbered. Checks on the consistency of the above information mean that the origin of the product can always be traced.

Acquisition : Pure and crossbred slow-growing stock, reared in the open air; cereal-based feed, and minimum age for slaughter of each type; carcases graded at the abattoir.

Link : The link with the geographical origin of the product derives from the following factors: Historical reputation, linked to the existence of poultry-breeding over the past few centuries on the region's farms. From the early 20th century, their produce became available commercially at regional poultry markets. Present reputation: The award of the Red Label in 1977 testified to the superior quality of the product and served as a means of consolidating its reputation.

Reference: The European Commission

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