Treacly Bacon, Nacho cheese, onion, sausage and Gruyère potato bake

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A blast of flavours in this mad dish knocked together with as many lovely different flavours I could bring together in one recipe. Please excuse my over-indulgence!

To make a more crispy version of this, see Chef's notes below.

Treacly Bacon, Nacho cheese, onion, sausage and Gruyère potato bake
Servings:Serves 4
Calories per serving:495
Ready in:1 hour, 50 minutes
Prep. time:15 minutes
Cook time:1 hour, 35 minutes
Difficulty:Average difficulty
Recipe author:Chef
First published:9th January 2023

Best recipe review

Almost perfect


...just needed to be a bit crispier (see my notes!)



Printable 🖨 shopping 🛒 list & 👩‍🍳 method for this recipe

Mise en place

  • Preheat your oven to 150° C (300° F - gas 2), [fan oven 130° C & reduce cooking time by 10 mins per hour]


  1. Using a food processor with a slicing blade, cut the unpeeled potatoes
  2. and into slices
  3. Rinse the potato slices a few times in cold water to remove the excess starch
  4. With the same food processor, slice the onions and mix them together with the sliced garlic
  5. Chop the bacon and Gruyère cheese into small pieces so they can be evenly distributed throughout the dish
  6. Mix the milk, yogurt, mixed herbs, parsley and Taste Sensation Nacho Cheese Seasoning together and stir very well using a whisk or food mixer
  7. Wipe the base of a cast iron casserole dish with a little olive oil
  8. Line the base with a handful the slices onions and garlic
  9. Lay the four sausages on the onions
  10. Build the rest of the dish by layering the ingredients evenly, finishing with a layer of potatoes
  11. Pour the creamy nacho cheese mixture over everything
  12. Finish with a sprinkling of the Lemon Pepper Crumb Coater
  13. Bake, uncovered at 150° C for 30 minutes
  14. Cover with a layer of tin-foil and bake for another hour
  15. Serve and enjoy!

Serving suggestions

Naughty, I know, but I found this enough on its own, without the need for very many extra vegetables!

Chef's notes

On reflection (as I love the crispy bits), I would bake this on a large baking tray so the layers are much thinner; I would also leave the foil off, but keep an eagle-eye on it while it was cooking.

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