Bleu des Causses cheese

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Bleu des Causses cheese
  • Description

Bleu des Causses is an AOP French blue whole cows' milk cheese in the form of a flat cylinder weighing 2.3 to 3 kg.

  • Geography

Rouergue, with two extensions: the Quercy causses (limestone plateaux) to the west and the Lozère causses and part of the Margeride granite massif to the east. The typical characteristics of Causses blue cheese are closely linked to the nature of the region, which consists of rocky, dry, limestone plateaux, and its singular, slow ripening in a natural environment, usually genuine caves arranged in karstie cavities and ventilated by currents of cool, damp air.

  • History

The Causses blue cheese's origins are as old as those of Roquefort. The rural inhabitants of the causses customarily placed their cows' milk cheeses in natural cavities in the limestone scree. These cavities faced north and were swept by drafts of cool, damp air. This cheese was first called 'Bleu d'Aveyron' and defined as such by a décret in 1937. Then, under the name 'Bleu des Causses' it obtained a designation of origin by a Millau court ruling in 1953 that was confirmed by the décret of 21/05/1979.

  • Production

Causses blue cheese is made by traditional methods: whole milk, generally unpasteurised, is curdled at 30C; the curd is cut and stirred, then placed in moulds perforated with holes. After the cheese is seeded with Penicillium mould, it is allowed to drip, salted, brushed, then stabbed with needles to allow the mould to grow under the effects of the cave's cool air. The ripening takes from 3 to 6 months, with a 70-day minimum.

Reference: The European Commission

Calories in different varieties and various types of cheeses

The number of calories in various types of cheese is very similar when you compare your cheese to a similar types of cheese.

For example, almost cheeses that are similar to Cheddar cheese have around 400 calories per 100g

If the Bleu des Causses cheese is not listed below, select a similar type of cheese from the list below to get a rough idea for the number of calories in Bleu des Causses cheese.

The calorie lists are sortable by clicking the up and down arrows in the heading columns

Cheese type Calories per 100g
American cheese 371
Blue cheese 353
Camembert cheese 299
Cheddar cheese 402
Cottage cheese 98
Edam cheese 357
Farmer's cheese 98
Feta cheese 264
Fontina cheese 389
Goat cheese 364
Gouda cheese 356
Gruyere cheese 413
Mozzarella cheese 280
Parmesan cheese 431
Pimento cheese 375
Provolone cheese 352
Queso blanco cheese 310
Ricotta cheese 174
Roquefort cheese 369
Swiss cheese 380
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#cheese #bleudescaussescheese #cheeses #aop #bluecheeses #roquefort #dairyproducts #frenchcheeses #cowsmilkcheeses #curd