Volailles de Houdan (Houdan poultry)

IGP Volailles de Houdan are poultry (chickens) carcasses of genus Gedlus. Sold fresh roped; slaughtered after 105 days. Breed Houdan: light poultry, fine skeleton, marbled five-digit feet, crested head, double comb, black plumage flecked with white. White skin.
Geographical area
District of Mantes: cantons of Montfort-l'Amaury and Rambouillet District of Dreux: cantons of Maintenon and Pacysur-Eure
Proof of origin
All links in the chain are recorded (hatcheries, feed manufacturers, farmers, slaughterhouses). Each batch of poultry is documented as follows: declaration that the birds have been placed by the farmer, delivery orders for day-old birds, declaration that the birds have left for the slaughterhouse and order for collection from the slaughterhouse, declaration concerning the labels used for the poultry after slaughter and declaration of downgraded birds. The labels are all numbered. Consistency checks on this information ensure that the product is traceable.
Breed used: Houdan. Reared outdoors. Fed a cereal based diet and slaughtered at not less than 105 days old.
The link with the geographical origin is based on: A reputation linked to the history of the Houdan breed. This very old French breed was at the height of its popularity from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century but it existed long before that time (13th-14th centuries). Many bibliographical references attest to this reputation, which was confirmed by the award of Red Label No 01-90 attesting the product's superior quality. A characteristic: The use of an ancient local breed (Houdan) well adapted to the region.
Gastronomy The IGP Volailles de Houdan can be conserved for a few days in the refrigerator, wrapped into the purchasing paper and stored in the coldest compartment. IGP Volailles de Houdan is used to prepare a lot of dishes with variable cooking methods depending on the cut chosen. It can be roasted, stuffed or not, or in slices roasted in oven. The fillets are tastey seasoned with curry sauce. The capon is a traditional Christmas dish, roasted in oven and served with chestnuts roasted in the cooking sauce. The tender fowl of IGP Volailles de Houdan is ideal for fricassees with egg- and lemon-based sauce accompanied by legumes.
Reference: The European Commission
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