Crème fraîche fluide d'Alsace (Alsace fresh cream)

IGP Crème fraîche fluide d'Alsace is liquid fresh cream from Alsace is a pasteurised liquid cream with no added ferment or other ingredients.
Geographical area
Alsace; the departments of Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin.
Evidence of origin
The producers and production and processing sites are listed and all located in Alsace. Documentary records throughout the chain enable the product to be traced.
The liquid fresh cream is obtained by skimming milk selected for its superior quality and collected on a specific circuit. The cream is pasteurised and then packed without the addition of ferment or other ingredients.
The link with the geographical area is based on:
1. characteristics: white with organoleptic qualities relating to the composition of the milk (high fat content) and the fats (low in unsaturated fatty acids and almost colourless). These features result from the way cattle are raised in Alsace (mainly indoors and fed on the by-products of mixed farming);
2. a particularly high reputation in Alsace based on its organoleptic properties and its suitability for processing into whipped (Chantilly) cream
Fresh cream from Alsace is mentioned in many regional recipes and used by leading restaurateurs and bakers in the region.
IGP Crème fraîche fluide d'Alsace should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4°C and should be consumed within 30 days. The cream is used in the preparation of sauces, pastry products, is included in various meat and fish dishes, quiches, and salads. IGP Crème fraîche fluide d'Alsace is also used to make Chantilly cream, which should be kept in the cold for at least 24 hours before consumption. Furthermore, in the typical regional cuisine, the cream is used in salmon soup, and in the Flammekuchen - a quiche made of bread dough remains with crème fraîche and sausage.
Reference: The European Commission
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