Volailles du Languedoc (Languedoc poultry)

IGP Volailles du Languedoc are poultry (chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, capons and poulardes) carcasses with firm flesh and superior organoleptic qualities, slaughtered at an age close to sexual maturity, marketed fresh or frozen, whole (oven-ready or with giblets) or in sections.
Geographical area : Départements of Gard, Hérault, Lozère and Bouches du Rhône, as well as in the adjacent districts defined in the application dossier.
Evidence of origin : All of the links in the network are listed (hatcheries, food producers, breeders, abattoirs). Documentary records are kept for every batch of poultry: declaration by the breeder of birds added to his stock, delivery slips for dayold chicks, declaration of departure for the abattoir and receipts for collection of carcasses from the abattoir, declaration of the labels used for the poultry after slaughter and declaration of downgraded poultry. The labels are all numbered. Checks on the consistency of the above information mean that the origin of the product can always be traced.
Acquisition : Pure or crossbred slow-growing stock, reared in the open air or free-range; cereal based feed and fixed minimum age for slaughter of each type; carcases graded at the abattoir.
Link : The link with the geographical origin of the product derives from the following factors:
Historical reputation: The decline of wine-growing, chestnut production and silkworm-breeding induced producers in the region to develop open-air poultry breeding from 1952. The award of the Red Label in 1984 testified to the quality of Languedoc poultry.
Present reputation: The reputation of Languedoc poultry is particularly high within the region.
Gastronomy : IGP Volailles du Languedoc can be conserved for a few days in the refrigerator, wrapped into the purchasing paper and stored in the coldest compartment. The fowl of IGP Volailles du Languedoc can be cooked in different ways depending on the product which can be whole or in slices and, in this last case, depending on the cut chosen. Refined and tasteful, it is ideal to prepare elaborated roasts with aromatic herbs and butter, seasoned with mushrooms, local wines, acid milk creams and soft cheeses combined with potato purée and roasted or sauté vegetables.
Reference: The European Commission
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