Porc de la Sarthe (Sarthe pork)

IGP Porc de la Sarthe is pork marketed as a complete carcass or in cut pieces and its offal.
Geographical area : Département of Sarthe and the adjacent cantons of the neighbouring départements
Evidence of origin : The breeders and the abattoirs are listed in a register. Evidence of the product's origin is provided by means of an identification mark (tattoo) stamped on each pig by the breeder. The carcasses and the cut pieces are identified at the abattoir and in the cutting shop. The identified items are documented at each stage of the process. Material accounting checks supplement this monitoring system.
Acquisition : The pigs are reared in open buildings or in the field. They are fed mainly on cereals. The minimum age for slaughter is 26 weeks, and selection for meat quality is carried out at the abattoir
Link : The link with the geographical origin of the product derives from the following factors:
(1) typical regional rearing methods, and
(2) a reputation attested by historical and bibliographical references, especially those dating from the 19th century. Production was revived in the 1980s, and in recognition of the quality of the product the red label was awarded in 1989. Its present reputation is attested by the development of the sales network and by the fact that Sarthe pork is exclusively selected for the manufacture of certain high-quality traditional charcuterie products. History: Sarthe pork is the result of a long development process, the earliest traces of which go back to the Middle Ages. Local pork production has also led to the development of numerous local charcuterie specialities.
Reference: The European Commission