Category:Marinades dressings and butters

Marination, also known as marinating, is the process of soaking foods in a seasoned, often acidic, liquid before cooking. The origins of the word allude to the use of brine (aqua marina) in the pickling process, which led to the technique of adding flavour by immersion in liquid. The liquid in question, the marinade can be acidic with ingredients such as vinegar, lemon juice, or wine, or savoury with soy sauce, brine or other prepared sauces. Along with these liquids, a marinade often contains oils, herbs, and spices to further flavour the food items. It is commonly used to flavour foods and to tenderise tougher cuts of meat or harder vegetables such as beetroot, aubergine (eggplant) , and courgette (zucchini). The process may last seconds or days. Different marinades are used in different cuisines. For example, in Indian cuisine the marinade is usually prepared with yogurt and spices.
A neat and very quick marinator is the 9 Minute Electric Vacuum Food Marinator. Very useful if you have forgotten to marinade your food overnight!
In this category you will find recipes for marinades, dressings and butters, most are very simple and require very little preparation time, but are definitely worth making. Something a simple as anchovy butter will bring a steak to life. Some of the recipes might be strange or unusual but hopefully they will give you some ideas and inspiration.
About marinades dressings and butters
Most of these recipes are good starting points for a vivid imagination. Be bold. Mix and match your favourite flavours to make your own personalised dip. If you do experiment, take a note of the exact quantities that you use so that you can replicate it and make small adjustments in the future.
Pages in category ‘Marinades dressings and butters’
The following 132 pages are in this category, out of 132 total.
- Baharat
- Baharat (V)
- Balsamic vinegar and olive oil dip
- Balsamic vinegar salad dressing
- Barbecue beef marinade
- Barbeque sauce (TM)
- Basic bouquet garni
- Cuban churrasco with 3 herb chimichurri
- Seared beef and bean sprouts in spicy lime dressing
- Berbere
- Beurre manié recipe
- Beurre noisette (TM)
- Blue cheese and chive dressing
- Bouquet garni for beef
- Bouquet garni for fish
- Bouquet garni for game
- Bouquet garni for lamb
- Bouquet garni for mutton
- Bouquet garni for pork
- Bouquet garni for poultry
- Bouquet garni for vegetables
- Anchovy and olive garlic butter
- Cardamom and chive butter
- Lemon and basil butter
- Flavoured butters (TM)
- Smoked butter
- Thermomix butter (TM)
- Thermomix butter - Spanish recipe (TM)
- Ceviche
- Chicken tikka
- Chicken tikka kebabs
- Chili oil recipe (quick)
- Chili vinegar recipe
- Chilled yoghurt and cucumber soup (tarator)
- Chilled yogurt
- Chilli gravy
- Chilli salsa dip
- Chimichurri recipe
- Chinese Vinaigrette (TM)
- Chipotle Chilli Paste mix
- Cod with mustard and caper vinaigrette (SV)
- Chinese coleslaw
- Color chilena (Paprika oil)
- Concentrated tomato paste (TM)
- Creole seasoning
- Crunchy garlic salad
- Cuban guava barbecue sauce