Category:Austrian recipes

From Cookipedia

Tha Alpine village of Solden, Austria, viewed from a cable-car

In this category you will find recipes which have Austrian roots. Austria's cuisine is derived from that of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is mainly in the tradition of Royal-Cuisine ("Hofküche") developed over the centuries. It is famous for its well-balanced variations of beef and pork and countless variations of vegetables.

In addition to native regional traditions, the cuisine has been influenced by Hungarian, Bohemian, Czech, Jewish, Italian, Balkan and French cuisines, from which both dishes and methods of food preparation have often been borrowed. It is, therefore, one of the most multicultural and transcultural in Europe.

Austrian ingredients in the UK

We have a list of Austrian ingredients suppliers here

Geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung

g.U. ingredients

g.U. stands for ‘Geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung’ which in the UK we know as 'Protected Designation of Origin' (PDO). Under the EU agricultural product quality policy, this "covers agricultural products and foodstuffs which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area using recognised know-how". The following Austrian ingredients are those which are registered as g.U.

Clicking here to expand/collapse the complete table of g.U. Ingredients
A table of g.U. Ingredients; sortable by Country, Name, Product & Type
Country Name Product Type
Austria Gailtaler Almkäse Cheese PDO
Austria Pöllauer Hirschbirne Pear PDO
Austria Steirische Käferbohne Bean (runner) PDO
Austria Tiroler Almkäse ; Tiroler Alpkäse Cheese PDO
Austria Tiroler Bergkäse Cheese PDO
Austria Tiroler Graukäse Cheese PDO
Austria Vorarlberger Alpkäse Cheese PDO
Austria Vorarlberger Bergkäse Cheese PDO
Austria Wachauer Marille Apricot PDO
Austria Waldviertler Graumohn Poppy seed PDO
Clicking here to expand/collapse the complete table of g.U. Ingredients

Geschützte Geographische Angabe

g.g.A. ingredients

g.g.A. stands for ‘Geschützte Geographische Angabe’ which in the UK we know as 'Protected Geographical Indication' (PGI). Under the EU agricultural product quality policy, this "covers agricultural products and foodstuffs closely linked to the geographical area. At least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation takes place in the area." The following Austrian ingredients are those which are registered as g.g.A.

Clicking here to expand/collapse the complete table of g.g.A. Ingredients
A table of g.g.A. Ingredients; sortable by Country, Name, Product & Type
Country Name Product Type
Austria Gailtaler Speck Bacon PGI
Austria Marchfeldspargel Asparagus PGI
Austria Steirischer Kren Horseradish PGI
Austria Steirisches Kürbiskernöl Pumpkin seed oil PGI
Austria Tiroler Speck Bacon PGI

Garantiert Traditionelle Spezialität

g.t.S. ingredients

g.t.S. stands for ‘Garantiert Traditionelle Spezialität’ which in the UK is known as 'Traditional Speciality Guaranteed’ (TSG). It "highlights traditional character, either in the composition or means of production". The following Austrian ingredients are those which are registered as g.t.S.

Clicking here to expand/collapse the complete table of G.t.S. Ingredients
A table of G.t.S. Ingredients; sortable by Country, Name, Product & Type
Country Name Product Type
Austria Heumilch/Hay milk/Latte fieno/Lait de foin Milk TSG