Category:Hungarian recipes

In this category you will find recipes that have their roots in Hungary. Many of the are from the Hungarian Cookery Book, written by restaurateur Károly (Charles) Gundel (1883-1956) who established the world- renowned Gundel's restaurant in Budapest in 1910. The book (thankfully in English) is undated but it does mention the Royal Hungarian Opera (founded 1934) and the vastness of the British Empire (collapsed 1948), so this edition must have been published between those dates. Recipes from this book have the appendage (HC) and are transcribed as written. Any amendments or additions will appear in square brackets. Traditionally, Hungarians cooked everything in lard, although I understand that healthier eating is now being encouraged. They eat a lot of meat and the most delicious pastries and it is amazing to see the huge choice of different meats which appear on the menus of even the most humble restaurants. They do not eat much in the way of vegetables (which waiters call "garnishes") and when they do, they are often coated in lard. They are also fond of fish, mainly caught in the River Danube or Lake Balaton.
A word about paprika. Try to use Hungarian if you can. Whilst there are some excellent Spanish paprikas (especially from La Vera in Extremadura), Hungarian is the best for Hungarian cooking. It can be difficult do decide which paprika to use as there are several classifications of Hungarian paprika but if you want the achieved the rich red colour of classic dishes, then go for "különleges" if you can get it. There is an interesting article in The Times Online about paprika. The very best used be called 'Noble Rose' which could only be bought in Hungary. Maybe it has changed its name, I don't know. If anyone has any information on Noble Rose nowadays it would be great to hear about it.

OEM ingredients
OEM stands for ‘Oltalom alatt álló Eredetmegjelölés’ which in the UK we know as 'Protected Designation of Origin' (PDO). Under the EU agricultural product quality policy, this "covers agricultural products and foodstuffs which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area using recognised know-how". The following Hungarian ingredients are those which are registered as OEM.
Country | Name | Product | Type |
Hungary | Alföldi kamillavirágzat | Camomile | PDO |
Hungary | Hajdúsági torma | Horseradish | PDO |
Hungary | Kalocsai fűszerpaprika-őrlemény | Paprika | PDO |
Hungary | Makói vöröshagyma ; Makói hagyma | Onion | PDO |
Hungary | Szegedi fűszerpaprika-őrlemény/Szegedi paprika | Paprika | PDO |
Hungary | Szegedi szalámi ; Szegedi téliszalámi | Sausage | PDO |

OFJ ingredients
OFJ stands for ‘Oltalom alatt álló Földrajzi Jelzés’ which in the UK we know as 'Protected Geographical Indication' (PGI). Under the EU agricultural product quality policy, this "covers agricultural products and foodstuffs closely linked to the geographical area. At least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation takes place in the area." The following Hungarian ingredients are those which are registered as OFJ.
Country | Name | Product | Type |
Hungary | Budapesti téliszalámi | Sausage | PGI |
Hungary | Csabai kolbász/Csabai vastagkolbász | Sausage | PGI |
Hungary | Gönci kajszibarack | Apricot | PGI |
Hungary | Gyulai kolbász / Gyulai pároskolbász | Sausage | PGI |
Hungary | Magyar szürkemarha hús | Beef | PGI |
Hungary | Szentesi paprika | Paprika | PGI |

HKT ingredients
HKT stands for ‘Hagyományos Különleges Termék’ which in the UK is known as 'Traditional Speciality Guaranteed’ (TSG). It "highlights traditional character, either in the composition or means of production". The following Hungarian ingredients are those which are registered as HKT.
Country | Name | Product | Type |
Hungary | Tepertős pogácsa | Biscuit | TSG |
Hungarian Ingredients in the UK
We have a list of suppliers of Hungarian ingredients as well as a growing list of Hungarian cheeses
Pages in category ‘Hungarian recipes’
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.