Basic loaf - tang zhong method

From Cookipedia

This recipe requires preparation in advance!

This is a recipe for a basic white loaf using the tangzhong method. If you are making in a bread machine, just use the French bread setting or the longest setting your machine has.

Basic loaf - tang zhong method
Servings:Servings: 10 - makes 1 large loaf
Calories per serving:135
Ready in:55 minutes + cooling and resting time
Prep. time:15 minutes
Cook time:40 minutes + cooling and resting time
Difficulty:Average difficulty
Recipe author:JuliaBalbilla
First published:16th April 2013

Best recipe review

Best with Shipton Mill flour


I had the best results with Shipton Mill flour when I tried this.

Paul R Smith

The crumb


Printable πŸ–¨ shopping πŸ›’ list & πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ method for this recipe

Mise en place

  • Make the tang zhong by mixing together the flour and water to make a smooth paste. Heat in a saucepan until it reaches exactly 65Β°C (149Β°F), and remove from the hob, cover and leave to cool until it is down to room temperature.


  1. Mix and knead the ingredients according to your usual method.
  2. Shape into a ball and leave in an oiled bowl, covered, until doubled in size (you can leave in the fridge overnight if you wish, but bring up to room temperature before proceeding to the next stage).
  3. Gently deflate the dough and repeat the previous step.
  4. Deflate once more and shape as desired or place in a banneton or loaf tin.
  5. Cover and leave to prove until almost doubled.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200Β° C (400Β° F - gas 6), [fan oven 180Β° C & reduce cooking time by 10 mins per hour].
  7. Bake for 40 minutes adding a tray of boiling water to the bottom of the oven to create steam.
  8. If baking in a tin, remove the bread after 30 minutes and bake on a shallow tray, upside down for 10 minutes.
  9. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack before slicing.

Recipe source

Chef's notes

If mixing in a Thermomix, mix ingredients 30 seconds / Speed 4, then 2 minutes 30 seconds / Knead. Prove, shape and bake as above.

Use menu 21 French dough (3 hours 35 minutes) on Panasonic SD-ZB2502 automatic breadmaker

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