Liver with herbs and sherry vinegar

From Cookipedia

Another great use for my condiment of the moment, sherry vinegar. The vinegar and the herbs work really well with liver, especially if its not over cooked.

Liver with herbs and sherry vinegar
Servings:Serves 4
Calories per serving:285
Ready in:20 minutes
Prep. time:10 minutes
Cook time:10 minutes
Recipe author:JuliaBalbilla
First published:20th January 2013

Best recipe review

Better than it looks


And it looks fancy (for liver) 😜



Printable 🖨 shopping 🛒 list & 👩‍🍳 method for this recipe


  1. Fry the onions in the butter until soft, about 4 minutes
  2. Add the liver, sage and half of the parsley and season to taste with salt and pepper
  3. Fry until browned and tender, but don't overcook it or it will be as tough as old boots. (It's quite ok to eat liver rare)
  4. Reserve the liver and onions and keep warm
  5. Deglaze the pan with the sherry vinegar by bringing it to the boil whilst stirring. Reduce the heat and simmer for a minute
  6. Pour the hot sherry over the liver and sprinkle with the remaining parsley

Serving suggestions

Serve hot

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#sherryvinegar #parsley #fry #liverwithherbsandsherryvinegar #sage #butter #boil #panfried #redwinevinegar #simmer #onions