Grapefruit salsa

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Grapefruit salsa
Servings:Serves 4
Ready in:40 minutes incl. chill-time
Prep. time:10 minutes
Cook time:None

This tangy salsa works wonderfully in Sea bass with grapefruit salsa but would be equally good with other fish dishes as monkfish Because it has a clean sharpness, it might work with pork and duck too.



Printable 🖨 shopping 🛒 list & 👩‍🍳 method for this recipe


  1. Roast the chillies and remove the skins
  2. Remove and discard the seeds and slice the chillies thinly and add to a a bowl
  3. Peel the grapefruit and cut into segments, removing as much pith and segment-skin as possible, add to the bowl
  4. Cut the onion into very thin rings and mix with the other ingerdients
  5. Chill for 30 minutes

Serving suggestions

Serve cold as an accompaniment