Pohořelický kapr (Břeclav / Znojmo carp)

CHOP Pohořelický kapr is carp from the Czech Republic which distinguished by its excellent growth capacity and minimum slaughter yield of 58 %. From an anatomical point of view, this slaughter yield is achieved as a result of the very good conformation of the fish, the high back and small head. The main features of the live fish are its vigour, resistance and excellent state of health. For the purposes of producing ‘Pohořelický kapr’, interspecific hybrids are used. The processed fish is of a firm consistency due to the muscle meat, and has a fresh appearance, ranging from pink to red in colour; the fresh fish smell and particularly delicate fish taste are characteristic of this species of fish. Its culinary properties are evident from the consumer appreciation of the product since, in terms of cooking quality, it always scores more than 92 points on a scale of one to a hundred (system of sensory assessment of fish meat).
When ready for marketing, the fish is classified according to the weight category: carp in Class I weighing 1,50-2,50 kg and select carp weighing 2,50-4,00 kg, but may be classified in other weight categories. The fish reaches the distribution network either live or processed. Processed products are placed on the market in a fresh-chilled, frozen, marinated or smoked condition.
Geographical area:
The Břeclav and Znojmo districts in the South Moravian region.
Production method:
Use is made of a semi-intensive production system, in which the fish feed on the natural sources generated by the pond and are given only at certain times of year supplementary feed consisting mainly of cereals and, to a very limited extent, compound feedingstuffs. The fodder cereals come exclusively from local farmers. For several generations of fish, a closed production cycle has been in operation, thereby guaranteeing complete autonomy in the production of all categories of fish.
The duration of the production cycle is three to four years, depending on the size of fish in demand on the market. Reproduction is by artificial spawning under controlled conditions. During the first year of rearing only, if supplementary feed is required, the fish are given complete compound feedingstuffs in granular form from certified producers or cereals in powder form. From the second year, the fish are given a supplement of locally produced cereals. Processing of the fish is carried out within an area at the processing plant which meets the strictest EU veterinary hygiene standards and guidelines.
All rearing and processing operations must be carried out within a given geographical area, mainly in order to allow identification of the ponds where production takes place (minimising the time which elapses between catching and processing the fish, and thereby guaranteeing top quality products), improve controls throughout the production process, make every effort to respond immediately to customers' requests and draw on the local population's substantial long experience in the fish processing area.
Fish farming in the Pohořelice district and Lednice-Valtice area has its roots in the 12th and 13th centuries. A written reference from 1396 refers to the work carried out on the Měnín (also known as Nesyt) fishpond by Margrave Jošt. Fish farming in the Pohořelice district underwent a genuine expansion at the end of the 15th century and in the first half of the 16th century following the construction of a flume which fed existing and newly emerging ponds with waters from the River Jihlava. The largest ponds include Starý (around 1520), Lenovický (or Novoveský, 1536) and Vrkoč (1552). The subsequent period saw the stagnation and gradual decline of fish farming. A marked turning point occurred only after the Second World War, in 1945. The ponds were reconstructed and replenished and, on 1 January 1965, the national enterprise Státní rybářství Pohořelice was set up, with its head office in Pohořelice. After the events of November 1989, the enterprise and ponds as such underwent only slight changes when the State enterprise Státní rybářství Pohořelice was created on 1 January 1991. A fundamental change occurred at the time of privatisation, when the public limited company Rybníkářství Pohořelice a.s. came into being on 1 April 1994.
The area defined, which is located in the Břeclav and Znojmo districts, offers unrivalled natural climatic conditions for fish production — alkaline, calcareous substratum, pond bottoms consisting of fertile chernozems with a high degree of water mineralisation. Those elements, combined with the climatic factors (high average annual air temperature, water temperature, long growing season), create excellent conditions for the generation of adequate quantities of high-quality, natural food in the fishponds and, consequently, for the production of fish. The strain of carp used does not have a fundamental influence on the quality of the final product. The main influence on the quality of production lies in the combination of local natural conditions. The entire production process, from the spawning of the fish to the growth phase, including feeding, is carried out exclusively within the defined geographical area. Processing of the fish is also carried out locally.
Reference: The European Commission
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