Pesca e Nettarina di Romagna (Emilia Romagna peach & nectarine)

IGP Pesca e Nettarina di Romagna are peaches and nectarines from Emilia Romagna of the following varieties:
Peaches - (yellow fleshed) Dixired, Elegant Lady, Fayette, Flavorcrest, Glohaven, Maycrest, Merril Gem Free 1, Red Haven, Spring Lady, Springbell, Springcrest, Suncrest; (white fleshed) Duchessa d'EstΓ©, Iris Rosso, Maria Bianca, Rossa di S. Carlo
Nectarines - (yellow fleshed) Early Sungrand, Fantasia, Flavortop, Independence, Maria Aurelia, Maria Emilia, Maria Laura, May Grand, Nectaross, Sprin Red, Stark Redgold, Venus, Weinberger; (white fleshed) Coldesi 2000.
The production area is the part of Emilia Romagna suitable for the cultivation of peaches and nectarines. The first historical references go back to the beginning of the fourteenth-century. Peaches and nectarines were grown in this area during the following centuries, well before the rest of Italy, where the trees grew naturally.
The fruit is produced using traditional environmentally-friendly techniques. The trees must be pruned to produce a high-quality product. At least three harvests are required and the fruit must not be spoiled or bruised. The maximum limits are 2 000 trees per hectare and 35 000 kg per hectare. The special features of the soil and climate and the skills of growers result in peaches and nectarines with both physical and chemical and organoleptic features which are sold both on the national market and elsewhere in Europe as typical of Emilia Romagna.
The area has a typical plains climate but is influenced by the nearby Adriatic. The area of production is the part of the region which has the highest average temperature and virtually no spring frosts, which could affect the fruit. The area is so suitable for the production of peaches and nectarines that it accounts for almost one quarter of the Italian crop.
Reference: The European Commission