Jazz apple granita

From Cookipedia

A granita made with white wine, apples and lime juice.

Jazz apple granita
Servings:Serves 8
Calories per serving:102
Ready in:8 hours 30 minutes incl freezing time
Prep. time:6 hours, 30 minutes
Cook time:None
Recipe author:Chef
First published:2nd January 2013

Best recipe review

Apple ice-cream


Or apple-ice, if that makes more sense?



Printable 🖨 shopping 🛒 list & 👩‍🍳 method for this recipe


  1. Put the wine, 300ml (1/2pint) water and the lime juice in a pan.
  2. Peel, core and dice the apples and mix them in with the sugar. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer, covered for about 15 minutes until the apples are soft enough to squash.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a food processor and whiz to make a runny puree. Add the brandy, whiz again then pour the puree into a plastic tub. Cool at room temperature then cover and put in the freezer for 2-3 hours until nearly solid.
  4. Break the iced mixture into chunks and chop into flaky pieces. Freeze again for another 3 hours or longer.

Serving suggestions

Let the granita soften for about 5 minutes before spooning shavings of it into chilled cocktail or shot glasses, dishes or plates. Serve with Spicy Jazz Apple Crisps

Chef's notes

The granita will keep in the freezer for 3 months.

How to prevent home made ice cream from freezing solid in the freezer

Home made ice cream is usually reasonably soft and 'scoopable' straight out of the ice cream maker, but once it is placed in the freezer for more than a few hours it becomes a solid block of ice, effectively.

Unfortunately without using artificial additives it is not generally possible to keep it soft once you freeze it. I have tried many suggestions and they all fail miserably, apart from this one!

Place the hard-frozen ice cream in your refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours before you want to use it and re-freeze it immediately you have scooped out what you need.

Admittedly this does require some planning ahead, but it does mean you'll have usable ice-cream.

Recipe source

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#granita #jazzapplegranita #limejuice #freezer #whitewine #jazzapple #brandy #juice #frozen #puree #applebrandy