Ternera Gallega

IGP Ternera Gallega covers veal, yearlings and feeder cattle:

(a) veal: light pink flesh with pearly white evenly distributed fat, firm, fine-textured, slightly damp muscle;

(b) yearling: between pink and light red flesh with pearly white fat and firm, slightly damp fat;

(c) feeder cattle: light red flesh with creamy fat, firm, slightly damp muscle with traces of fat but no excessive accumulations.

Geographical area: The provinces of Lugo and Orense and municipalities in the provinces of La Coruna and Pontevedra in Galicia, Spain.

Proof of origin: The meat in question is obtained from slaughterhouses registered with the Consejo Regulador (Regulatory Council) and located in the area of production. Fattening, slaughter, cutting and packing are carried out under the supervision of the Consejo Regulador by outside firms not involved in the sector. The meat is marketed bearing a seal with a logo, a guarantee certificate and labels numbered and issued by the Consejo Regulador.

Method of production: The meat is obtained from calves born, reared and slaughtered in Galicia and derived from stock which is at least 50 % native. An identifying tag is affixed before slaughter and a seal and certificate are attached after slaughter to monitor the marketing process.

Link: Regular heavy rain encourages the growth of meadows and fodder crops, which provide the basis for the development of cattle of the native breeds Rubia Gallega and Morenas del Noroeste, whether pure-bred or crossed with Frisona and Pardo Alpina.

Gastronomy: IGP Ternera Gallega fresh meat must be stored in the refrigerator for two days, wrapped with a film and placed in the coolest compartment. The great versatility of the meat makes it very good when grilled, spit roasted or oven roasted and fried, but also stewed or boiled. IGP Ternera Gallega meat can be combined perfectly with red wines, whose selection depends on the type of cooking and preparation.

Reference: The European Commission

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