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Looking at your fine work and wondered when you would ever grind cardomom seeds in their pods. I have always removed the seeds on both green and black pods. Do you know something I don't (again :-)??

--Jerry, aka Chef 14:56, 25 June 2012 (BST)

I have never ground them in their pods before, but have eaten them whole in their pods on numerous occasions (green ones, not black), much to Apples annoyance as his teeth aren't as good as mine :-) They are nice fried and added to plain rice, with other spices. You can also grate Parmesan rind to be mixed in with the actual cheese to add more flavour as well (plus no waste!). The wonders of the Thermomix ... --JuliaBalbilla 15:01, 25 June 2012 (BST)