Conversion tables

Conversion tables of measurable units commonly used by cooks in the kitchen.
The values in these conversion tables are only approximate and have been rounded up or down for clarity.
Always stick to either metric or imperial measurements in the same recipe.
100's of our ingredients pages now have (US) cup to weight conversion tables to, so if you need to know how much a cup of parsley weighs, just enter Parsley in the search box hit return. The cup to weight calculations are at the bottom of every ingredient page.
Oven Temperature
Oven temperatures can be in degrees Celsius (International) -- previously Centigrade, degrees Fahrenheit (in the USA) or by gas mark (UK). This table provides a rough guide to conversion between the ranges.
For fan assisted ovens, use a setting of 20° Celsius (36° Fahrenheit) less than the recipe calls for. Cooking times can probably be reduced by 10 minutes for every hour of cooking time.
The fan oven temperatures on the right are the equivalent to all of the left hand values.
C° | F° | Gas Mk. | Desc. | = | Fan Oven equiv. °C |
110° | 225° | ¼ | Very slow /Very low | = | 90° |
120° | 250° | ½ | Very slow /Very low | = | 100° |
140° | 275° | 1 | Slow /Low | = | 120° |
150° | 300° | 2 | Slow /Low | = | 130° |
160° | 325° | 3 | Moderately slow /Warm | = | 140° |
180° | 350° | 4 | Moderate /Medium | = | 160° |
190° | 375° | 5 | Moderate /Moderately hot | = | 170° |
200° | 400° | 6 | Moderately hot | = | 180° |
220° | 425° | 7 | Hot | = | 200° |
230° | 450° | 8 | Hot /Very hot | = | 210° |
250° | 475° | 9 | Very hot | = | 230° |
260° | 500° | 10 | Extremely hot | = | 240° |
Weight [mass]
Weight conversion notes
The weight conversions for this chart and for most of Cookipedia are rounded to the nearest usable amount (eg: 40g is rounded to 1.5 oz whereas it is actually 1.41095847798322 oz). Most conversions don't round to convenient figures. For culinary purposes, this make little or no difference.
Imperial | Metric | Imperial | Metric | |
¼ oz | 5 g | 7½ | 210 g | |
½ oz | 10 g | 8 oz | 225 g | |
¾ oz | 20 g | 8½ oz | 235 g | |
1 oz | 25 g | 9 oz | 250 g | |
1 ½ oz | 40 g | 9½ oz | 260 g | |
2 oz | 50 g | 10 oz | 275 g | |
2½ | 60 g | 10½ oz | 285 g | |
3 oz | 75g | 11 oz | 310 g | |
3½ oz | 85 g | 12 oz | 350 g | |
4 oz | 110 g | 1 lb | 450 g | |
4½ oz | 125 g | 1 lb 2 oz | 500 g | |
5 oz | 150 g | 2 lb | 900 g | |
5½ oz | 160 g | 2½ lb | 1.1 kg | |
6 oz | 175 g | 3 lb | 1.3 kg | |
6½ oz | 185 g | 3½ lb | 1.6 kg | |
7 oz | 200 g | 4 lb | 2 kg |
Measuring liquid by weight
Don't forget that for culinary purposes millilitres (ml) is equal to grams (g) when measuring out most liquids. Try it out next time you need to accurately add a measured amount of liquid; breadmaking is a great example.
Metric Cup | U.S. Cup | Imperial fl oz | Imperial pint | U.S. pint | Metric | By weight |
1 fl oz | 28 ml | 28 g | ||||
4 fl oz | 112 ml | 112 g | ||||
½ cup | 4.16 fl oz | ¼ pint | 118 ml | 118.3 g | ||
½ cup | 5 fl oz | ¼ pint | 142 ml | 142 g | ||
1 cup | 8.33 fl oz | ½ pint | 236 ml | 236 g | ||
1 cup | 8.45 fl oz | 0.43 pint | 250 ml | 250 g | ||
10 fl oz | ½ pint | 284 ml | 284 g | |||
10.10 fl oz | 0.52 pint | 300 ml | 300 g | |||
1.5 cups | 11.97 fl oz | ¾ pint | 354 ml | 354 g | ||
15 fl oz | ¾ pint | 426 ml | 426 g | |||
2 cups | 16 fl oz | 0.83 pint | 1 pint | 473 ml | 473 g | |
2 cups | 17.6 fl oz | 500 ml | 500 g | |||
20 fl oz | 1 pint | 568 ml | 568 g | |||
4 cups | 32 fl oz | 1.7 pints | 2 pints | 946 ml | 946 g | |
4 cups | 35 fl oz | 1 litre | 1 kg | |||
40 fl oz | 2 pints | 1.13 litres | 1.13 kg | |||
70 fl oz | 3.5 pints | 2 litres | 2 kg |
Note on cup measurements.
In 'modern' recipes, use of the cup measure appears mainly in American recipes. Even here in the UK, there are 2 standards. The Commonwealth or Imperial cup measurement is 1/2 pint though in practice it is only commonly used in historic/old recipes. If your recipe uses cups as the 'base' measurement for all ingredients, then you should be OK. If you are uncertain, err on the side of caution (play it safe). In general, it is easy to add a little more of an ingredient - it is much harder (impossible??) to take it away again after adding it. Wikipedia article on cup measures
Spoon measures
Single | Multiple |
1 level teaspoon | 5 ml |
1 level dessert spoon | 10 ml |
1 level tablespoon | 15 ml |
1 dessert spoon | 2 teaspoons |
1 tablespoon | 3 teaspoons |
Imperial | Metric |
1/8" [0.125 inch] | 2.5 mm |
¼" [0.25 inch] | 5 mm |
½" [0.5 inch] | 1.27 cm |
¾" [0.75 inch] | 2 cm |
1" [ 1 inch ] | 2.5cm |
1¼" [1.25 inches] | 3 cm |
1½" [1.5 inches] | 4 cm |
1¾" [1.75 inches] | 4.5 cm |
2" [2 inches] | 5cm |
2½" [2.5 inches] | 6 cm |
3" [3 inches] | 7.5 cm |
3½" [3.5 inches] | 9 cm |
4½" [4.5 inches] | 10 cm |
5" [5 inches] | 13 cm |
6" [6 inches] | 15 cm |
7" [7 inches] | 18 cm |
8" [8 inches] | 20 cm |
9" [9 inches] | 23 cm |
10" [10 inches] | 25 cm |
11" [11 inches] | 28 cm |
12" [12 inches / 1 foot] | 30 cm |
See also
#conversions #fanassistedovens #cup #breadmaking #fanniemerrittfarmer #meatcookingtimecalculator #parsley