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Mike looking somewhat normal
Mike in chefs' gear
Antigone Twitchet
Rosemary aka JuliaBalbilla
Tiberius Twitchet
Pliny the Elder


Please visit my food blog, Julia Balbilla's Culinary Jottings


my history blog about a small Cotswold town, Julia Balbilla's Winchcombe Jottings

General info

I am Rosemary, aka JuliaBalbilla, and my husband Mike and I are extremely fond of cooking. Mike even has his own chef's uniform and doesn't he look a prat :-). We live in the Cotswolds where there is an abundance of fresh vegetables and locally produced meat.

When I am not messing about with food I spend a lot of time doing various Open University courses, mainly classics and history related.

Favourite chefs:

Mike: Gordon Ramsay

Rosemary: Gary Rhodes, José Andrés, Thomasina Myers, Elizabeth David

Favourite food:

Mike: Serrano ham, chicken, eggs, game, curry, paprika, lamb, fish, garlic, garlic and garlic

Rosemary: Garlic, smelly cheese (except goats'), garlic, olives, garlic, salad, garlic, olive oil, garlic, rice, garlic, watercress and even more garlic

Food dislikes:

Mike: Cheese, olives, capers

Rosemary: Meat, fish, mushrooms, goats' cheese, squash, okra, overcooked vegetables

Favourite music:

Mike: Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Whitesnake, Saxon, Metallica, Led Zeppelin

Rosemary: Led Zeppelin, ELO, King Crimson, Kinks, Uriah Heep, Radio Tarifa, Bach, Wagner, Bruch, Pergolesi, Handel, Curved Air, Victor Jara and many more too numerous to list.