How to remove the cutting blade from Hyundai Petrol Lawnmower

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This trick applies to most Hyundai petrol mowers

How to remove the cutting blade from a Hyundai HMY 460 SP Petrol lawnmower

This is a personal aide-memoir so I know which way to undo the locking nut from my Hyundai Lawn Mower [HMY 460 SP]. Some mowers have the thread reversed so you have to 'do it up' to undo it. The cutting blade on the Hyundai is held on by a nut with the normal threading (turn anti-clockwise to undo).

This useful trick applies to most Hyundai Petrol Mowers.

Take these few simple steps and you can easily take the blade off for sharpening and the mower will start immediately afterwards without the risk of flooding the engine.

P.S. Use an angle grinder to sharpen the blade, it's what all the professionals use!

Follow these simple steps

  • Tip the mower over as shown and allow all the fuel to drain out into a spare fuel tank while it is at this angle. This gives you enough access to the blade and prevents fuel running out. It also stops the engine from flooding, which can make these mowers very difficult to start.
  • Open the mulching plug gate and use a length of wood to jam the blade to prevent it turning anti-clockwise.
  • Using a 5/8th Inch spanner or wrench, turn the nut in an anti-clockwise direction to remove the nut and cutting blade.
  • Make a note of which way round the blade is located. It has locating spigots to ensure it can only be refitted to cut in one direction.
  • Use an angle-grinder or a file to sharpen the blade.
  • Refitting is simply the same process, reversed.

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