Falukorv (Falun sausage)

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GTS ‘Falukorv’ is an established name for a type of sausage and the name originates from the city of Falun in Sweden, but the geographical link ceased to exist a long time ago and today ‘Falukorv’ is produced by meat product companies throughout Sweden.



The colour of the slices ranges from a faint to marked brownish-pink. The consistency is firm. ‘Falukorv’ has a delicate to pronounced taste of smoke, seasoning and salt. It may contain a maximum of 65 g water per 100 g finished product. The fat content may be a maximum of 23 g per 100 g finished product, calculated on the basis of the maximum authorised water content. It is a coarse sausage (diameter > 45 mm), which is sliced into centimetre-thick slices and fried for lunch or dinner. In some parts of Sweden sliced ‘Falukorv’ is also used as a sandwich filling.

Raw materials:

Raw or salted beef, horsemeat or pork with rind removed, raw or salted pig fat with rind removed, potato flour, water, salt, and seasoning. Other permitted raw materials are sugar, dextrose, and onion.

Method of production:

The raw materials and additives are mixed and emulsified in an emulsifying machine or chopper. The sausage mix is packed into smoke-permeable casings of at least 45 mm in diameter. The sausages are smoked and heat-treated to a core temperature of not less than + 72 °C. They are chilled to below + 8 °C.


National rules on its production date from 1973 and most Swedes regard ‘Falukorv’ as a national dish. According to the Dalarna Museum, ‘Falukorv’ dates back to the 17th century, when ox hides were used to produce cords for extracting ore from the Falu Koppargruva copper mine. In winter it was possible to store surplus meat, but in summer it was made into sausage so that it would keep longer. This sausage went by the name ‘Falukorv’. The Stora Kopparbergs Län local newspaper of 14 December 1834 contained the following reference: ‘Every year large quantities of smoked sausage produced in Schedwi parish are sent to the capital. In Stockholm this goes by the name of Fahlu Korf (old Swedish spelling, now “Falukorv”) and has been a bestseller for many years.’ According to a survey of eating habits in 1900, ‘Falukorv’ was a common foodstuff in both white-collar and blue-collar households.

#sausage #fat #horsemeat #sausages #potato #pork #onion #beef #flour