Category:Pasta recipes

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Crabmeat pasta with fennel and chillies is of the nicest pasta dishes that I've ever cooked, using rustically hand-cut home made pasta

Almost 100 pasta recipes can be found in this recipe section. We have a pasta identification area, a pasta cooking time guide for every pasta type imaginable and even a section dedicated to pasta salads. This should be obvious, but always use the very best ingredients you can afford. Make your own pasta, it's a simple procedure, made slightly easier if you have a food processor, but perfectly possible without. You don't need a pasta machine, just a rolling pin and a knife.

Flour: You can taste the difference between bread made with high quality organic flour and cheap supermarket own-brand flour.

Salt: Sea salt or kosher salt is preferable to table salt which usually has a list of additives.

Eggs: Fresh as you can get them, free-range if possible.

Fats: Don't use spreads to replace butter, margarine or shortening in recipes as these often contain less fat and more water.

See also

Pasta types

There is a gallery of more than 120 pasta types here.


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category ‘Pasta recipes’

The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total.