Calling all Australian foodies

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Surfer's Paradise beach

Your help is needed!

Following many emails from your fellow Australians, we have added an Australian recipe category to Cookipedia. At the moment however, it's looking pretty empty, so we need you help.

If you have a recipe to add to this section, here's how to add it yourself. There may be a slight delay in okaying you registration due to the time-difference.

These is also another way you can help that is even easier. We already have almost 2,500 recipes on Cookipedia and many of them could probably be added into the Australian recipes category. If you are Wiki-confident, you can register and do this yourself. If not, please do send them to me using the Contact the Editor page.

Thank you!

--Jerry, aka Chef 08:21, 27 October 2012 (BST)

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