BRITA XXL Optimax Cool Water Filter 8.5 L - White
From Cookipedia
The BRITA XXL Optimax Cool Water Filter 8.5 L - White
After the leaking problems of our Brita water filter jug, I was loath to buy another Brita product. Given that there are almost no other options and that we already had a stack of filter cartridges, I gave this 8.5 litre water filter a chance.
I've been very pleased with it. It is a good size for a busy household and having a flexible tap hose in our sink it is easy to refill without having to lift it down to the sink every time.
It also fits neatly on our window sill.
The fish pictures are not part of the water filter system, I just thought they might prevent sunlight from causing premature mildew. It also looks less boring!
#britaxxloptimaxcoolwaterfilter85lwhite #britawaterfilterjug #tools