* 300 g Pasta spirals/penne
* 200 ml Philadelphia Simply Stir Garlic & Herbs
* 200 g can Tuna in oil, drained
* 198 g can Sweetcorn (with no added salt) , drained
* Cook the Pasta in Boiling water according to pack instructions.
* Heat the Sauce in a saucepan over a gentle heat with the flaked Tuna and Sweetcorn for 4-5 minutes.
* Drain the Pasta and serve with the Sauce stirred through.
* [http://www.philadelphia.co.uk/Recipes/Tuna-Sweetcorn-Pasta-with-Simply-Stir-Garlic-Herbs?r=51772 The Philadelphia recipe website]
{{OtherRecipes Philadelphia Simply Stir Garlic & Herb#pasta #tunaandsweetcornpastawithsimplystirgarlicandherbs #tuna #sauce #sweetcorn #recipesfromothersites #boiling
Recipe from: https://www.cookipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Tuna_and_sweetcorn_pasta_with_Simply_Stir_Garlic_and_Herbs
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