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List of ingredients for Wholemeal loaf (50%)

* 1 teaspoon Dried active yeast - Place in the yeast container if your breadmaker has one.
* 200 g strong wholemeal flour
* 200 g strong white flour
* Half a vitamin C tablet (ascorbic acid) crushed between two tablespoons (about 100 mg)
* 2 teaspoons Sugar (try less if too sweet)
* 20 g Butter
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 280 ml water - or by weight instead of volume, 280 g water
====Large loaf====
* 1 teaspoon Dried active yeast - Place in the yeast container if your breadmaker has one.
* 250 g strong strong wholemeal flour
* 250 g strong strong white flour
* Half a vitamin C tablet (ascorbic acid) crushed between two tablespoons (about 100 mg)
* 1 tablespoon Sugar (try less if too sweet)
* 30 g (1 oz) Butter
* 1.5 teaspoons salt
* 350 ml water - or by weight instead of volume, 350 g water
====Extra large loaf====
* 1.25 teaspoons Dried active yeast - Place in the yeast container if your breadmaker has one.
* 300 g strong strong wholemeal flour
* 300 g strong strong white flour
* Half a vitamin C tablet (ascorbic acid) crushed between two tablespoons (about 100 mg)
* 1 tablespoon Sugar (try less if too sweet)
* 40 g Butter
* 1.5 teaspoons salt
* 420 ml water - or by weight instead of volume, 420 g water

* Place the ingredients in your Breadmaker in the order shown
* '''Select wholewheat Bake program (5 hours), for the Panasonic SD-ZB2502 automatic breadmaker this is menu option 04'''.
* Select the appropriate loaf size to match the recipe [Medium, Large or Extra large]
* Rise and bake (5 hour cycle)
#vitaminc #butter #driedactiveyeast #strongwholemealflour #wholemealflour #strongwhiteflour #breadmaker #brownflour #panasonicsd253 #breadmakers


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