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List of ingredients for Michael's curry bread

* 10g fresh or 5g Dried yeast
* 500ml natural Yogurt
* 30g Garlic powder
* 30g Pakistani basar or other Indian spice mix
* 20g Ground coriander Seeds
* 10g Salt
* 10g Chilli flakes
* 450g Strong white bread flour

* Dissolve the Yeast in a little of the Yogurt which has been warmed.
* Sieve the Garlic powder, Pakistani basar, Ground coriander, Salt and Flour into a bowl.
* Pour in the Yogurt and the Yeast / yogurt mixture.
* Mix throughly and Knead according to your chosen method.
* Shape into a ball and sllow to rest, in a covered bowl, until almost doubled in size.
* Gently deflate the Dough and repeat the previous step.
* Deflate the Dough again and press into a rectangle, one side of which is the length of your tin.
* Fold the top and bottom parts of the Dough into the middle and press the seam gently with your fingers.
* Repeat and you should have a nice log shape.
* Place a a greased 900g loaf tin, seam side down.
* Cover with Clingfilm and allow to prove until the Dough has almost reached the top of the tin.
* Slash the Dough if desired.
* Bake at 230° C (450° F - gas 8), [fan Oven 210° C & reduce cooking time by 10 mins per hour] for 30-40 minutes until it is done.
* Turn out of the tin and allow to cool on a wire rack.


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