* ½ head of Cabbage of your choice.
* A knob of Butter
* Sea Salt and freshly ground Black pepper to taste
* Toasted seeds (optional) - choose from black Mustard, Cumin, Sesame etc.
* Shred the Cabbage finely.
* Place in a large pan and cover with Boiling water.
* Add a pinch of Salt to the water.
* Allow to return to the Boil.
* Simmer vigorously for 4 minutes.
* Test a piece, it should be like al-dente Pasta, with a little 'bite' to it.
* Drain well, pressing in a colander (or spinning in a salad spinner) if necessary, to remove excess water.
* Add to a warm bowl with a knob of Butter, season with Salt and Pepper and sprinkle with Toasted seeds if using.
Recipe from: https://www.cookipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Boiled_cabbage
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