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List of ingredients for Lamb hot pot

* 2 Carrots finely Diced
* 2 Celery Sticks finely Diced
* 2 Onions finely Diced
* 1 clove of Garlic crushed
* 2 sprigs of Rosemary
* 75g Butter
* 4 Large Chump Chops
* 150ml White wine
* 650ml Good Lamb or Beef stock
* 8 Rooster Potatoes thinly sliced
* Salt & Pepper

* Lightly cook the Vegetables, Garlic and Rosemary in 50g of Butter, remove from pan and keep to one side.
* Melt the remaining Butter in the pan and Brown the chops on each side, remove from pan.
* Add the Wine, Boil and reduce until almost dry add the Stock and bring to the boil.
* Place the chops into a shallow Braising dish, cover with the Vegetables and season with Salt & Pepper.
* Lay the sliced Potatoes overlapping onto the chops, pour over the hot Stock, place into Oven and cook for 1 hour Basting the potatoes every 15 minutes.
#lambhotpot #butter #diced #vegetables #rosemary #garlic #stock #potatoes #celery #carrots #stewedbraisedorpotroasted


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