* 225ml sparkling water at room temperature
* 7g fresh Yeast
* 340g Strong white bread flour
* 110g strong Wholemeal Bread Flour
* 5g Salt
'''The sponge'''
* Place the water in a jug and add the Yeast.
* Weigh out half quantities of each of the Flours (170g white and 55g wholemeal) and place in a large bowl.
* Once the Yeast has dissolved, empty the jug into the bowl with the Flour. Do not add Salt at this stage!
* Beat into a thick Batter, preferably using your Hand, but a whisk would be fine.
* Cover with Clingfilm and keep at room temperature overnight.
'''The Dough'''
* Mix the remaining Flour and the Salt into the sponge to form a fairly stiff, but not too stiff, Dough.
* Allow to rest, covered for 10 minutes
* Knead for about 15 minutes or until the Dough quickly springs back when poked.
* Form into a ball, place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with Clingfilm and allow to prove for about an hour.
* Knock back and repeat steps 3 and 4.
* Knock back the Dough, weigh it, and break off a piece which is rather under a third of the weight of the whole.
* Roll each piece into a ball, turning the folds underneath .
* Leave each piece to rise separately, covering each one with a large upturned bowl, for 45 minutes. It is better to allow the larger piece to rise on the Baking tin or stone on which it will be Baked.
* Carefully flatten the top of the bottom piece and using a sharp knife or Grignette, cut a 4cm cross in the middle.
* Flatten the bottom of the topknot and moisten the bottom with some water.
* Place in the centre of the larger piece of Dough.
* Using the handle of a wooden spoon, make a hole through the centre of the topknot down into the body of the bottom piece.
* If you wish to slash the bread, do so at this stage.
* Cover with a Tea towel and leave to prove for a further 10 minutes.
* Carefully put the Bread onto the lowest rack in the Oven and switch it on now, setting it at 230° C (450° F - gas 8), [fan oven 210° C & reduce cooking time by 10 mins per hour].
* Bake for about 30 minutes, then reduce the heat to 200° C (400° F - gas 6), [fan Oven 180°C] for the remaining 10 minutes.
* Remove from Oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.
Recipe from: https://www.cookipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Cottage_loaf
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