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List of ingredients for Cotswold vegetables with cider and garlic sauce

* 2 medium Onions, finely chopped
* 2 tablespoons Rapeseed oil
* 4 bulbs Garlic, Roasted and flesh squeezed from skin
* 2 medium Carrots, Diced
* 1 small head of Broccoli, broken into florets
* 1 small purple Cauliflower, broken into florets
* 8 leaves of cavolo nero (black leaf Kale), coarsely Shredded
* 560 ml Dry cider
* 2 further teaspoons Rapeseed oil
* 2 teaspoons Flour
* 280 ml Vegetable stock

* Using a large saucepan, gently Fry the Onions in the Oil until soft and transparent.
* Add the Vegetables and cook for a few minutes, stirring constantly.
* Add enough water to cover, bring to the Boil, and Simmer until the Vegetable are cooked.
* Meanwhile, Boil the Cider until it has reduced by half and then add the Vegetable stock.
* Just before the Vegetables are ready, heat the 2 teaspoons Rapeseed oil in a saucepan and stir in the Flour.
* Allow to cook for a couple of minutes.
* Gently stir in the Cider and the Stock and add the squeezed Garlic, cooking until the Sauce has thickened.
* Strain the Vegetables and serve with the Sauce and a knob of Butter.


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