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List of ingredients for Roti

* 1 cup atta flour or strong white flour
* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
* 2 tablespoons yogurt (optional)
* ½ cup water

* Tip all of the ingredients and half of the water into the food processor with a plastic blade or dough hook attachment
* Blitz the mixture whilst adding a more water a little at a time until you have a soft, pliable dough that is not too sticky
* Remove from the processor, dust with a little flour and rest for 30 minutes in a bowl, covered with a damp tea-towel
* Divide into 6 equal parts and roll into balls
* With a rolling pin on a floured surface, roll each roti out into a 13cm (5") disc, about the thickness of a small coin (penny, dime, nickel etc)
* Without using any oil, heat a tava or frying pan until very hot
* Cook each roti for about 2 minutes a side until flecked with brown patches. They should puff up slightly.


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