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List of ingredients for Broad Beans with Preserved Lemon

* 1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
* 500g (11lb 2 oz) small Broad beans, podded and shelled or Frozen, defrosted
* 1 large Onion, thinly sliced
* 1 tablespoon Smoked paprika
* 4 tablespoons of Belazu Extra virgin olive oil
* 1 medium bunch of Coriander, roughly chopped
* ½ Belazu Preserved lemon thinly sliced
* Juice of 1 Lemon

* Dry fry the Cumin seeds in a small Frying pan for 30 seconds until you smell the aroma. Remove from the pan immediately. Grind into a powder using a Pestle and mortar or the end of a Rolling pin in a bowl.
* Put the Beans in a large pan and add the Ground cumin, Onion, Paprika, Olive oil and 6 tablespoons of cold water. Season, cover and bring to the Boil.
* Turn down the heat and Simmer, covered, for 10-15 mins until the Beans are tender. (Less for defrosted Frozen Beans). If necessary, top up the water.
* Add the Coriander, Preserved lemon and Lemon juice, then adjust the seasoning.


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