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List of ingredients for Berbere

* 20 Dried Bird's eye chillies
* 1 teaspoon Coriander seeds
* Seeds from 8 Green cardamoms
* 12 Allspice berries
* 1 teaspoon Ground Ginger
* 1 teaspoon white Cumin seeds
* 1 teaspoon Black cumin Seeds
* 1 teaspoon Fenugreek seeds
* 8 Cloves
* 2" Cinnamon stick, cracked into pieces
* ½ teaspoon ajowan
* 1 teaspoon Black peppercorns

* Roughly crush the Chillies and dry Fry for 3 minutes
* Add the remaining whole Spices and dry Fry for a further 5 minutes
* Allow to cool
* Grind to a fine powder in a Coffee grinder or Mortar and pestle
* Store in an airtight container for up to 3 months


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