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List of ingredients for Ployes

* 2 cups (250g) Buckwheat flour
* 1 cup (125g) all purpose (plain) Flour
* 3 teaspoons Baking powder
* 1 teaspoon Salt
* 2 cups (480ml) cold water
* 1 cup (240ml) hot water

* Add the 2 cups cold water to the dry ingredients and mix well
* Leave to stand 5 minutes
* Add 1 cup Boiling water and mix vigorously. If Batter looks too thick (must be thin, like a Crepe to cook the way we're accustomed) add a little bit of water.
* Pour Batter on a hot cast Iron Griddle (note: with no Lard of any sort, this demands a 'well-seasoned' cast-iron)
* Let the ploye cook; you will see little holes open up, and the edges will start to curl-up. the more holes, the better your ploye
* When you see the mixture is not liquid any more, your ploye is done; you only cook it on one side
* To have really good ployes, you need to re-mix the Batter between pours
* Recipe from the Madawaska (Maine) based St John Valley Times kindly sent to us by Roger Ouellette
#batter #ployes #griddle #crepe #boiling #buckwheatpancakes #flour #dryfried #bakingpowder #iron #lard


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