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List of ingredients for Tomaticán

* 60 ml Oil
* 600 g boneless, skinless Chicken breasts, chopped
* 1 Onion, finely sliced
* Garlic to taste, Diced or crushed
* Green chillies, to taste, chopped (remove Seeds if you wish)
* 4 Potatoes, cut into quarters
* 10 Tomatoes, peeled
* Oregano and Parsley, to taste
* 2 Corn-on-the-cobs, corn removed
* Salt and Pepper to taste
* 1 Hard boiled egg

* Heat the Oil and sauté the Meat, Onion, Chilli and Garlic until soft.
* Add the Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Herbs and cook over a low heat until Meat is tender and the potatoes are cooked.
* Add the Sweetcorn 15 minutes before serving and season to taste.
* Serve with slices of the Hard-boiled egg.
#tomatican #onion #potatoes #chicken #garlic #unusualrecipes #parsley #chilli #seeds #tomatoes #hardboiledegg


Recipe from:án

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