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List of ingredients for Steak and Dragon Welsh cheddar cheese pies

* 1 kg Beef Steak, Diced
* 2 Red onions, peeled and chopped
* 2 Carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
* 2 Cloves garlic, crushed
* 150g Chestnut mushrooms, washed and quartered
* 3 tablespoons Sunflower oil
* 3 sprigs Fresh thyme, leaves removed and washed
* 250ml Red wine
* 200ml Beef stock
* Salt & Pepper to taste
* 1/2 a teaspoon of Worcester Sauce (optional)
* 2 tablespoons Plain flour
* 180g Grated Dragon mature Welsh cheddar cheese
* 500g pack Puff pastry
* 1 Egg beaten with pinch Salt

* In a large Frying pan heat 2 tablespoons on a medium to high heat. Fry off the Beef in small batches and place in a large ovenproof Casserole dish
* Add the Onions to the Frying pan and Fry gently until lightly Browned, add Garlic and Carrots and extra Oil if needed. Sprinkle with Flour and mix through, add Wine and Stock and stir thoroughly whilst bringing Sauce to Boil
* Season with Salt, Pepper and add Worcester Sauce (optional). Pour over Meat and cover the Casserole. Cook for 1˝ hours in moderate Oven
* Sauté Mushrooms in some Oil and add to Casserole, cook for a further 30 minutes until Meat is tender
* Check Sauce is thick enough as pie filling needs to be thick, if too thin place sauce in pan and reduce down over a high heat. Return to Casserole and add 100g Cheese
* Place filling in a deep Pie dish
* Roll out Puff pastry and make a lid for pie, make sure there is some overhang as Pastry will shrink on cooking. Crimp the edges and Brush top with beaten Egg. Sprinkle over remaining Cheese and Bake for 20 mins in a very hot Oven until pastry is risen and golden


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