Lentille verte du Puy

Lentilles vertes du Puy

Lentille vert du Puy is an AOP lentil measuring 3.25 to 5.75 mm in diameter, with dark greenish-blue mottling on a pale green background, a thin seed-coat and a non-mealy kernel.

Produced in some of the communes in the départment of Haute-Loire, the climate (summer drought, big difference in temperature between day and night) is a prime factor in obtaining highly characteristic green lentils which are only slightly mealy, stay firm when cooked and are small in size. The volcanic soil accentuates their qualities.

The discovery in 1828 of a terra cotta Gallo-Roman vase containing lentils proved that Le Puy green lentils were present in the Haute-Loire region at that period. There are many writings which describe lentils as an essential crop of the Le Puy region and which attest to their fame. Le Puy lentils have also been celebrated in song, poetry and story.

Le Puy green lentils must belong to the Anicia line obtained from the Lens Esculenta Puyensis variety. No application of major fertilisers is authorized during the crop year. Irrigation is forbidden. Le Puy green lentils are harvested before they are fully ripe, at a diameter of 3.25 to 5.75 mm.

Reference: The European Commission

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